Archive for April, 2014

On the first day of Charlie Stokes’ retirement he ate oatmeal at the Formica table he and his wife, Anna, bought the year they were married. The Stokes’ were a happy couple, according to anyone who measured happiness by shelf life. They had been married forty-five years.

The night before she found out she was going blind, Ana saw a Quentin Tarentino film.

The 10,000 Tons of Black Ink editorial team is pleased to announce their nominations for this year’s Pushcart Prize: “A Shortage of Butterscotch at a Time When Butterscotch is Sorely Needed,” by Chris Insana “The Temporary Assistant Postmaster,” by Alan Bray “Stephen Dreams of Visiting Heaven,” by Christine Kindberg “As You Lie Dying,” by Rosie […]